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Location:Home  > QUESTION  > China's chip self-sufficiency rate will reach 70% in 2025, only about 30% last year
China's chip self-sufficiency rate will reach 70% in 2025, only about 30% last year
DATE:2020-08-21 13:38Reading volume:485

Recently, the State Council issued a number of policies to promote the high-quality development of integrated circuit industry and software industry in the new era. According to the statistics of China Customs, in 2019, China's chip imports amounted to US $304 billion, far exceeding the second largest crude oil import. Although the import amount of the whole chip is very large, compared with that in 2018, the import amount was reduced by 8 billion US dollars, with a year-on-year decrease of 2.6%.

Industry insiders believe that the development of domestic chips is accelerating. Under the vigorous promotion of the policy, there is a large space for domestic substitution in the chip industry, and the market-oriented development degree of the whole domestic chip industry also has a lot of room for improvement. According to the relevant data released by the State Council, China's chip self-sufficiency rate will reach 70% in 2025, while the chip self-sufficiency rate in China will be only about 30% in 2019.

What is the performance of relevant listed companies in the capital market? According to the wind chip index, by the end of July, the chip index had risen by 49.46% this year. In the A-share market, the market value of SMIC international stock listed on the science and technology innovation board in July has exceeded 200 billion yuan, and the stock market value of Weiwei shares, Wentai technology and other enterprises has exceeded 100 billion yuan. Industry insiders believe that the sales revenue of China's integrated circuit industry will reach 756.22 billion yuan in 2019, and the sales revenue of China's integrated circuit industry is expected to exceed 900 billion yuan in 2020. Benefiting from the improvement of the overall industry prosperity, the chip industry will continue to maintain high-speed development, and can focus on relevant leading enterprises.

Source: CCTV finance and Economics